Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

‘Til Tomorrow (Goin’ Downtown)

Goin down town, lookin all around
checkin out a job in the hardware shop
gotta get goin cause my money’s runnin out
tomorrow, tomorrow’

But look at that girl, chocolate curls
waggin her tail right in front of me
maybe that job can wait until tomorrow,

And if she would, today we could
go to my flat, do this ‘n that
have a good time and forget about
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

You gotta take what you can get, it’s all in
your head
but I’m afraid to ask her, she might say no
boy you better go, tie up your shoes cause
you got some workin to do, yeah

Barrish McFinn, used to be my friend
now he’s a rock-a-billy star, hangin at the bar
maybe I should ask for the keys to his car
til tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

You gotta take what you can get, it’s all in
your head
but I’m afraid to ask him, he might say no
boy you better go, tie up your shoes cause you
got some workin to do

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