Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Mamma May

Love is on it’s way
all of the time
but it’s got no place to stay

It used to come my way
like a roll in the dise
but that is pappa’s say

Mamma’s in the kitchen
hiding behind doors
daddy’s on the racetrack
betting on a dead horse

Hope is gonna make it
make it some day
pappa’s gone but Mamma may
pappa’s gone but Mamma may
Mamma may – stay

Mamma may – stay

Love is on it’s way
all the time but it got no place to stay
trouble is that I
keep on loving any way

Mamma’s in the kitchen
me I’m knocking on doors
daddy’s on the racetrack
betting on a dead horse

Hope is gonna make it
make it some day
pappa’s gone but Mamma may
pappa’s gone but Mamma may
Mamma may – stay

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