Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Mamma CuCu

Mamma won’t you mamma
won’t you cu cu cu yeah
turn me over and tuckin’ me in.
Mamma won’t you mamma
won’t you cu cu cu yeah
I’m afraid for the night of begin.
There’s bats in the belfry
and witches after me
and mamma I can’t get free.

Mamma won’t you mamma
won’t you cu cu cu yeah
I’m gonna cry if you do not stay.
And mamma won’t you mamma
won’t you turn on the light
before you go away
and sing me one more ditty just
a little bitty one
one about Billy the fly.

Oh birdy mamma
oh ma la la little mamma
won’t you please please
birdy mamma
oh ma ma la birdy
birdy mamma.

Yeah mamma’s gonna
mamma’s gonna cu cu you right
gonna sing you a little
lullaby too
and Mamma’s gonna Mamma’s
gonna tuckin’ you in
and light a little candle for you
and don’t you worry don’t you worry
witches and knaves
they are not real at all
but mamma mamma mamma
mamma what about the man
the man on the television
right understand.

Oh tell me mamma what about him
mamma he looks so thin
why did he scream
when the big big man in the green
took him away.

Mamma what about that
mamma pappa got sad
was it that bad
was it just another movie like you said
or was it real

oh tell me mamma
oh tell me mamma
oh tell me mamma

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Nogle rettelser…

turn me over and tuck’ me in.
I’m afraid for the night t’ begin
there’s bats in the belfry
gonna tuck’ you in
witches and knaves
I don’t understand.
mamma he looks so thin
mamma pappa got sad