Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Let It Flow

Do we last beyond the final hour?
Or are we fair for the dust machine?
Do we do, or do we simply cover
and simple form, some dull routine?

I say
Let it flow
That is the secret
Let it flow
Don’t waste your precious time
Running in circles all your lives
Let it flow

Do we say, before the devastation,
“We won’t depend on an after life!!”
Or do we play the games of desperation
And give away our paradise?

I say
Let it flow
That is the secret
Let it flow
Don’t waste your precious time
Running in circles all your lives

Do we seed before the revolution?
Or do we rape a loving wife?
Do we try the obvious solution
Learn to flow with the salts of life?

I say
Let it flow
That is the secret
Let it flow
Don’t waste your precious time
Running in circles all your lives
I say
Let it flow
That is the secret
Let it flow
Don’t waste your precious time
Running in circles all your lives

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