Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Lady Rain

Well Lady Rain, what’s wrong with me I got the pain
I’d like to know or am I just going insane
I’d like to know why, I tried to lie
When I told her I still love her like mad

Yes I’d like to know, yes I’d like to know
and Lady Sun, what’s going on
I’d like to know
me and my friends are looking for fun
but in the morning
when the love is gone
I sometimes can’t help thinking
we were wrong

Yes I’d like to know
that’s a part of the show

Yes I’d like to know
I mean, that is a part of the show

Lady Snow, I’d like to know
I’d like to know why it pleased me so
to sit alone on the cold cold stone
and sing along with the snowflakes
and my tears

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