Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Knock Knock

Once in a lifetime
twice in a dream from no where
did we believe
we did believe, ja ja

Knock on my window
save me from the other side
it’s cold tonight
it’s cold tonight, ja ja

Knock knock…

I’m knocking on your door
like I did before
but you ain’t there no more

Knock knock…

I’m knocking on your door
but you ain’t there no more

Knock knock…

Adam and Eva
never returned to paradise
we are the sons
the sons of Kain
it’s gonna rain

Fever crusaider
save me from the other side
it’s cold tonight
it’s cold tonight
come hold me tight

Knock knock…

I’m knocking on your door
like I did before
but you ain’t there no more

Knock knock…

I’m knocking on your door
but you ain’t there no more

Knock knock…

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