Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

Hush Little Baby

Hush little baby,
don’t say a word
pappa’s gonna buy you
a mockingbird

and if that mockinbird
won’t sing
pappa’s gonna buy you
a diamond ring

and if that diamond ring
is brass
pappa’s gonna buy you
a looking glass

and if that looking glass
gets broke
pappa’s gonna buy you
a billy goat

and if that billy goat
won’t pull
pappa’s gonna buy you
a cart and bull

and if that cart and bull
turn over
pappa’s gonna buy you a dog
named Rover

and if that dog named Rover
won’t bark
pappa’s gonna buy you
a horse and cart

and if that horse and cart
fall down
you’ll still be the sweetest
little baby in town

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