
Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

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Closer, closer as the days goes spinning past,
we grow closer, allways closer, Our lifes adjacent,
join together gentley, ever closer, never fixed, till’ youre a part of me,
until we’re one, no longer two, no longer me, no longer you, just we

Closer, the fabric of my life goes fast, we grow closer, allways closer, our shadows blending,
timed together perfectly, ever closer as we proceed, oh step by step and day by day,
until we’re one, no longer two, no longer me, no longer you, just we

Closer, everyday we’re closer than the last, we grow closer, forever closer, our moments flowing,
arm’ed together passionatly, so much closer that to such, or ever have a right to be,
until we’re one, no longer two, no longer me, no longer you, just we

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