Gasolin & Kim Larsen

Diskografi – Tekster – Lyrics

All The Things We Said

At the end of a fight
It will be alright
There will be peace again
There’s always love in the end

All the things that we said
Was just a buzz in the head
There will be peace again
There’s always love in the end
There’s always love in the end

Just look at the stars
Shining so bright
Please stand by me
For the rest of night

If you’re falling apart
If you’re hurt in your heart
I’ll take it back again
I didn’t mean it, my friend
I didn’t mean it, my friend

Just look at the stars
Shining so bright
Please stand by me
For the rest of night

All the things that we said
(All the things we said)
Was just a buzz in the head
I’ll take it back again
(I’ll take it back again)
I didn’t mean it, my friend
I’ll take it back again
(I’ll take it back again)
There’s always love in the end
(There’s always love in the end)
There’s always love in the end

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